Come along to our MP Lobby Day

The Joint Committee’s report on the Comms Data Bill was clear and crushing. They didn’t hold back on criticism of the Home Office, saying that draft bill pays “insufficient attention to the duty to respect the right to privacy, and goes further than it need or should “, describing Home Office evidence as “fanciful and misleading” and regarding the cost estimates as absurd.

However, despite this rather damning picture, the Home Office might ignore the Joint Committee, and their months of work and pages of evidence to  simply push on with their plans for a snooping state. Only last week the Home Secretary argued that there “can be no delay” because otherwise “people will die”(!)  We won’t sit by and let the CDB be pushed through despite the Committee’s Conclusions.

We need to let MPs know that what we need now is a fundamental review of surveillance laws in the digital age. It is absolutely clear that the Home Office cannot be trusted with this task as they have shown no concern for questions of civil liberties.

Please tell your MP that the CDB must go back to the drawing board:

Join us at Parliament

Monday 17 December


Meeting at the Jubilee Café

We will be in the Jubilee café near Westminster Hall all day, available with advice on speaking to your MP, negotiating the corridors of Parliament and with briefings on the CDB and party-specific perspectives on hand. We will also be able to send briefing information in advance and put you in touch with other local activists attending on the same day.

If you’re not sure what to say, don’t worry. We will we be happy to give advice and ideas on what to say when we meet you,  but the real key is to let MPs know that the swathe of public of opinion is against the Bill. A meeting with your MP does not have to be an eloquent speech, just let them know how you feel.

You can book an appointment for Monday to meet your MP via our MP meet up tool. If you are unable to visit London you can also use the form and letter to book an appointment with your MP at their constituency office on a time and date that suits you. If you prefer you can also get in touch with your MP via the switchboard: 020 7219 3000

If you are willing to attend and have severe difficulty getting transport we are willing to pay rail fares for some on a first come, first served basis.

Also we hope that those of you visiting London will join our Christmas party/ London supporter meet-up afterwards. Please come along and join us for a drink.

If you can’t come on Monday, but would like to help our campaign against the Communications Data Bill, please consider joining today.