Dean Whitbread
Dean Whitbread is a writer, artist, campaigner, events and media producer, publisher, English and Art teacher, who still thinks the internet is mostly a good thing. Present: Music publishing, teaching, producing collaborative media, music, art. Past: Founded UK Podcasters Association. Lobbied WIPO and the Houses of Parliament and prevented international TV regulations being applied to podcasts, and citizen podcasters requiring licences. Produced campaign videos for ORG. Previously worked for Amnesty International producing educational materials on Children’s Human Rights (2000), raised money to build schools and medical clinics in East Africa (1994), and wallpapered the trees on London’s South Bank to raise awareness of deforestation (1984). His first single ‘Save the Planet’ (1989) on the Green Label, donated proceeds to Greenpeace and the Women’s Environmental Network. For more information, see http://deanwhitbread.com/ Twitter: @deanwhitbread