Louise Ferguson
Louise Ferguson was the founding chair of ORG (2005), before moving to the Advisory Council in 2010. She is an independent consultant focused on user research for user-centred digital transformation in the private and public sectors. She has worked across a wide array of domains, including banking and insurance, pensions, forex trading, taxation, justice, manufacturing, engineering, construction, distribution, defence, air traffic control, aerospace, broadcasting and professional services. Her publications include Getting By, Not Getting On: Technology in UK workplaces (The Work Foundation) and Touching the State: What does it mean to be a citizen in the 21st century? (Design Council). Louise was previously VP of the UK Chapter of the User Experience Professionals Association and was a co-director of its international Voting and Usability Project. She has advised the UK Electoral Commission on the usability of statutory elections. Louise is on the Advisory Council of the Foundation for Information Policy Research. She holds an MSc in Human-Centred Computer Systems from the University of Sussex.