Adopt your MP today!
Please adopt your MP and visit them to explain why disconnection is wrong!
24,000 people have signed the petition against disconnection. Stephen Fry, Alan Davies, Graham Linehan and ORG patron Neil Gaiman supported massive efforts to get people to sign
But a petition is not enough. It’s changed the public debate, brought the media onside and got people active. But now we need targeted action to persuade the people making the decision to change this legislation: our MPs.
Visits from voters like you will change the minds of MPs. It works, because it shows people really care about their rights.
Email us now to say you can help
It’s very simple. Tell us who your MP is and who you are. (If you don’t know, you can find them on )
Just drop a mail to saying you will visit your MP. We’ll put them on our list of MPs being visited. Do specify if you’d rather remain anonymous.
When you visit them, let us know what they say, and we will record their opinions on our website and wiki.
Thank you for taking action today!
Thank you for any help you can give. A quick response will cut our workload as we will quickly get a list of MPs who still need lobbying.