Data and Democracy

ORG seeks to prevent digital technologies from eroding public trust in the democratic process.

The politics of data

UK political parties use personal data for campaigning and other purposes. The UK’s electoral systems are undergoing a stress test of a sort that they have rarely experienced. On one hand, innovations such as online deliberation present an opportunity to open up policy making. On the other, political actors are using personal data to make conflicting promises to discrete demographics – with no accountability.

These practices can drive political division and help, or hinder, the ability of elections to be free and fair in the digital age.

To mitigate these threats and restore integrity to our elections we aim to influence debate, conduct research, mobilise supporters and develop principles to shape the ethical use of these technologies.

REPORT: Voter data privacy and canvassing apps

ORG’s report into how poltical parties’ canvassing apps impact voter data privacy.

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Political parties and data profiling

Political parties use electoral register and commercially sourced data to target voters. Data provides proxy inferences about someone’s identity, lifestyle or status. Misleading profiles can distort democratic engagement and be weaponised to interfere with elections.

REPORT: Who Do They Think We Are?

How political parties trade and grade the personal data of UK voters

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The Story So Far

No Data Protection, No Democracy

As the General Election approaches, political parties in the UK are clashing and competing in the attempt to win voters, leaving no stone unturned—including the use of digital technologies.
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The DPDI Bill Threatens the Integrity of the UK General Election

In our latest briefing, Open Rights Group raises the alarm over changes in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPDI Bill) that could open the floodgate for the abuse of data analytics and new technologies for electoral manipulation.
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Press Releases