Defend Online Speech

What’s legal to say should be legal to type. The Online Safety Act and changes to the definition of extremism could change that.

A threat to freedom of expression online

The bloated Online Safety Act contains many risks to free speech – a government regulator shouldn’t control speech online or off. Ofcom is now the official online state speech regulator – appointed and directed by government. They are creating a sprawling bureaucracy to police speech online. Their initial consultation on protecting people from online harms include dozens of complicated documents and hundreds of pages of draft guidance.

The Act’s provisions to block services which refuse to cooperate with the speech regulator’s orders could put household names like Wikipedia and Tumblr in the crosshairs.

ORG will continue to fight for your rights to freedom of expression. Engaging where we can with Ofcom to try and minimize the harms this act will cause to freedom of expression.

Meanwhile, tech giants with the resources to surveil all user content, and comply with the bureaucratic requirements will grow ever stronger.

Prior Restraint

Social media platforms will need to proactively remove content from their platforms, which will severely impact what we see and what we say online. We favour a rights-based approach to making the Internet safer. We’re part of a coalition of free expression organisations meeting with the Government to find a way to address online harms without sacrificing our digital rights.

A dangerous precedent for global censorship

ORG’s response to Ofcom’s Online Safety Act proposals for regulating speech online

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What is prior restraint on online speech?

Removing content from social platforms creates a dangerous threat to free speech

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legal advice on prior restraint

There are significant issues with the lawfulness of a clause in the Online Safety Bill

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Extremism Redefined

The Conservative government introduced a new non-statutory definition of extremism with the threat of censor and restriction of public funding will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

Caught in a Mouth Trap

The government’s new and expanded definition of extremism

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government censorship

The harmful impact government policies to freedom of expression

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Policy Hub


Briefing on how the Online Safety Act threatens democractic expression

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Online safety act policy hub

Find out more in our policy papers on the passage of the Online Safety Act

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The Story So Far

Save our Sites: Deadline 17 March

Incredible as it may seem, thanks to the Online Safety Act, dozens of harmless, safe, small websites are closing down by 17 March, rather than face threats of fines that could lose their operators their homes.
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Musk and Zuck: Engineering Free Speech

Under the guise of protecting free speech, an alarming alignment between government power and Big Tech’s corporate power is unfolding.
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A dangerous precedent for global censorship

ORG responds to Ofcom’s Online Safety Act plans Last week, Open Rights Group responded to Ofcom’s Illegal Harms consultation, the first of a series of consultations Ofcom will be holding on the development of its guidance for the Online Safety Act.
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Small Boats and Silent Protest: Prior Restraint in the Online Safety Bill

Under new rules created by the Online Safety Bill, all illegal content must be removed from social media platforms.
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Online Safety Act: A Danger to Democracy

The campaign group, Republic have called for an investigation into the arrest of eight of their members, including Chief Executive Graham Smith, ahead of the organisation’s planned protest of the King’s coronation.
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