Family life

Politicians used to get photographed kissing babies to win votes; now they try to guess how many children you have.

Thats why new parents were upset that Labour bought information from Emma’s Diary, a parenting website, in 2018. This helped Labour to tailor engagement, fundraising and communications to those parents.

Other calculations added to your voter record include how long they think you lived at your address, how old you are and whether you are married.

Profile Terms

We’ve translated the coded terms parties use to describe your family life. Each of these are applied to your voter record if you vote in the UK. Sometimes the scores are left blank, sometimes not. If you want to know, you will need to ask the parties directly.


An attempt to guess the age of everyone living in your home. This is based on data modelled by Experian, a credit card company and data broker.

Party:  Conservatives


An attempt to guess how many children you have.This is based on data modelled by Experian, a credit card company and data broker.

Party:  Conservatives


An attempt to guess how long you have been living in your current home for. This is based on data modelled by Experian, a credit card company and data broker.

Party:  Conservatives

Origins Age

An attempt to guess your age based on what your name is.


An attempt to guess how many different families live in your home.


An attempt to guess how likely you are to be at home between 9AM and 5PM during the week.

Party:  Labour


An attempt to guess how likely you are to answer a knock at the door on the weekend.

Party:  Labour


An attempt to guess how likely you are to answer a knock at the door after 5PM during the week.

Party:  Labour


An attempt to guess whether you are recently married, have kids, and more information about your family.

Party:  Labour


An attempt to guess whether you have kids or not.

Party:  Labour


An attempt to guess if you are married or not.

Party:  Labour


An attempt to guess your ethnicity based on what your name sounds like.

Party:  Labour


An attempt to guess who is the ‘head of the household’ in your family, whatever that means.

Party:  Labour

Want to see what political parties think about your family?

Submit a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) BELOW.

Submit DSAR

Political Parties

If you have already received a SAR response, click here for help interpreting what you got back from each party. We’ll be adding more parties as results come in. Watch this space!