Briefing on Data Protection and Digital Information Bill
The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill gives the State and companies more access to our data with fewer limitations. What rights remain over our personal data are made harder to enforce.
Join us for an online briefing on what the DPDI Bill means for our data rights and what you can do about it.
- WHEN: 19 February 2024 at 7pm
- WHERE: Zoom

The Data Grab Bill will:
- Create powers to snoop on the bank accounts and financial assets of anyone who receives any benefit, including the State Pension!
- Make it harder to access your data by giving organisations more powers to refuse requests
- Increase automated decision-making
- Expand exemptions for data sharing, use and reuse
- Increase political interference with the ICO without parliamentary oversight
- Remove the need to carry out impact assessments
- Create new powers to approve international data transfers
The Bill is about to enter its committee stage in the House of Lords. In this briefing Mariano Delli Santi we will be discussing our campaign to ensure there is a functioning data regulator, and Sara Alsherif will be explaining the impact the bill will have on the digital rights of migrants.
Register now.