Do you know where your data goes?
Although technological developments have brought us many benefits, they have created new and increasing threats to our human rights. Open Rights Group works to protect your rights to privacy and free speech online.
This is why ORG’s West Yorkshire group is proud to present ‘Do You Know Where Your Data Goes?’, our inaugural event welcoming anyone intrigued by the importance of their digital rights and free speech.
This event will give a general overview of who the Open Rights Group are and introduce you to some of our current campaigns, such as our work fighting against the Data Protection and Digital Information (DPDI) Bill, which gives the State and companies more access to our data with fewer limitations. We will also host an open discussion around the use of AI in decision-making and other issues you find important.
You will also have the chance to hear from Dr Edina Harbinja, our key speaker. She will be discussing why the DPDI is so impactful, and introducing you to her increasingly important area of expertise, post-mortem privacy.
Do you want to know where your data goes? Then meet ORG and other like-minded individuals at:
- University of Leeds, Maurice Keyworth Building
- Room 1.31
- 18:00 – 19:30
- 01/05/2024
Please contact the Local Organiser, Rowan Hirst, at west.yorkshire@openrightsgroup.org if you have any questions.